Thursday, October 22, 2009

Edge Toes Off With The Eliminators

Waco Edge with their undefeated division standings toed off with the goliaths of the U14 division. The Eliminators with their intimidating height and weight came out like an American football team instead of a soccer team. The Edge was familiar with goliath players from seasons past and was not impressed or intimidated with this full contact soccer. Edge would focus on the task at hand, and that was scoring. Edges’s razor sharp players new how to defeat such a giant and that was with speed. Edge would use fast passing tactics and maneuvering in and out of the Eliminator's giants. Edge scored fairly early in the first half with went unanswered. Then in the second half the Eliminators with their full contact soccer fouled an Edge player that resulted in a scoring penalty kick from outside the Eliminators penalty box. The Edge not satisfied with two goals would score a third goal late in the second half. By this time the Eliminators and their following was frustrated. However, with the evening sun blinding the face of the Edge’s defenses and goalkeeper the Eliminators would have a lucky kick that resulted in a score with two minutes left in the game. The Edge retained there division standing and remain undefeated with a 3 to 1 victory over The Eliminators.

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