Waco Edge faced off with Waco Heat once again in hopes for some revenge from their previous loss to them 4 to 2. Waco edge stepped up their game and aggressiveness to match that of Waco Heat. The Edge would be the first and only one to score during the first half of what turned out to be a full contact game. With parents in an uproar from both sides, they could be heard from across the field condemning the aggressive contact against their team. Then in the second half Waco Heat would score with a lucky bounce off the far goal post. Waco Edge would answer back with a sold kick

that sliced into the Heat’s net. Then with 5 minuets left in the game, Waco Heat, struck back hard. Not wanting to be beaten, they pushed through the Edge’s defiance with a quick break and would place one in the Edge's goal to tie the game 2 to 2. What an outstanding effort from both teams.
Sweet pics! Congrats on the draw guys :)
we want updates! what happened last week?
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